Bali Yachting World Charter Management – Der einfachste Weg zu Ihrer eigenen Bali-Katamaran
Der Besitz eines Bali Katamarans über das Bali Yachting World Charter Management Programm ist der erschwinglichste und stressfreiste Weg, den Luxus des Yachteigentums zu genießen. Während der Besitz einer Yacht die Freiheit des Segelns und unbegrenzte Zeit auf dem Wasser bietet, bringt er auch zahlreiche Verantwortungen mit sich, wie jährliche Wartung, Instandhaltung, Liegeplatzverwaltung, Versicherung und Registrierung. Unser Bali World Charter Management Programm übernimmt all diese Aspekte für Sie, damit Sie die Freude am Besitz ohne Mühe genießen können.
Als eines der führenden Charterunternehmen in der Adria und autorisiertem Bali Katamaran-Händler für Kroatien und Slowenien bieten wir umfassende Lösungen für den Yachteigentum. Unsere Flotte von über 170 Yachten ist strategisch in vier Schlüsselbasen verteilt—Biograd na Moru, Trogir, Kaštela, Šibenik, Sukošan und Dubrovnik—und deckt die beliebtesten und atemberaubendsten Segelreviere an der Adriaküste ab.
Es war noch nie so einfach, einen Bali Katamaran zu besitzen. Vom Kaufprozess bis zur Nutzung ist Ihr Katamaran immer bereit und sauber für Ihre Ankunft.
Umfassende Unterstützung von Anfang bis Ende
Unser Team bietet durchgehende Unterstützung—von der Unterstützung beim Kauf Ihres Traum-Bali-Katamarans bis zur Verwaltung im Charterbetrieb und schließlich dem Weiterverkauf. Wenn Sie über ein Upgrade oder einen Verkauf nachdenken, können wir Inzahlungnahmen arrangieren oder den Ausstieg Ihrer Yacht über unseren hauseigenen Maklerservice verwalten, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den besten Marktwert erhalten.
Unser professionelles Service- und Wartungsteam sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Katamaran in einem technisch einwandfreien Zustand bleibt und immer bereit für Ihr nächstes Abenteuer ist. Genießen Sie den Besitz ohne Sorgen und maximieren Sie gleichzeitig das Charter-Einkommen.
Maximieren Sie Ihr Einkommen und genießen Sie Ihren Katamaran
Mit Bali Yachting World Charter Management machen wir den Besitz eines Katamarans einfach und finanziell lohnend. Unser Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Katamaran die perfekte Balance zwischen Luxus, Leistung und Einkommenspotenzial bietet, während wir uns um alle notwendigen Details kümmern.
Wesentliche Vorteile des Charter-Managements
- Hervorragende Buchungsergebnisse mit mehr als 20 Wochen pro Saison
- finanzielle Sicherheit mit Versicherung gegen den Verlust von Chartereinnahmen (im Schadensfall)
- hohe Wartungsstandards gewährleisten den besten Wiederverkaufswert Ihrer Yacht, unabhängig vom Alter
- hochwertiges Post-Sales-Service mit schneller Bearbeitung von Reklamationen während der gesamten Garantiezeit
- günstige Finanzierungsbedingungen durch verbundene Leasinggesellschaften
- transparente Finanzberichterstattung mit ständigem Einblick in die Einnahmen und Ausgaben
- einfacher Verkauf oder Inzahlungnahme mit unserer Vermittlungsunterstützung
- einfacher Verkauf oder Handel mit der Unterstützung unseres Verkaufsteams
Sie werden sich in dieses Segelrevier verlieben
Sobald Sie an unserem Yachting World Charter Management Programm teilnehmen, wird Ihre Yacht in einer unserer Charterbasen an der kroatischen Küste stationiert.
Die kroatische Küste ist mit ihren 1185 Insel und Inselchen einzigartig und bietet faszinierende Orte zum Entdecken. Egal ob Sie antike Ruinen, ruhige Buchten mit kristallklarem Wasser zum Schwimmen oder lebendige und trendige Städte besuchen möchten, die kroatische Küste hat alles. Faszinierende Natur, eine lange Kette von zerklüfteten Inseln der kroatischen Gebirgsküste, eine Fülle von Ankerplätzen und ein stabiles Klima machen Kroatien zu einem Reiseparadies mit perfekten Segelbedingungen.
Für alle, die Privatsphäre oder die unberührte Natur bevorzugen, bietet Kroatien mediterrane wilde Schönheit, warme Farben mit schönem Licht, großzügige und duftende Vegetation. Die Küste wechselt zwischen Klippen und Höhlen, felsigen Buchten, feinen Kiesstränden und majestätischen Buchten. Reisen nach Kroatien ist schnell und einfach. Mit dem Flugzeug können Sie Kroatien innerhalb von 2 Stunden von fast jeder Ecke Europas aus erreichen.

Yachting World Ownership
Bestimmt für diejenigen, die in Bezug auf die Auswahl einer Yacht und ihrer Optionen, Ihrer Urlaubsplanung und der Vertragsdauer flexibel sein möchten und für diejenigen, die daran interessiert sind, einen maximalen Gewinn für Ihre Investition zu erzielen.
Find out more
Yachting World Partnership
Gedacht für diejenigen, die kein Unternehmen besitzen und aktiv am Yachtgeschäft teilnehmen möchten, oder genauer gesagt, für diejenigen, die die Yacht nur bis zu 3 Wochen im Jahr nutzen und bezüglich der Yacht keine Sorgen / Verpflichtungen haben möchten.
Find out moreDas sagen unsere Kunden
What is Bali Yachting World Charter Management program?
If you would like to own your private yacht but you are not sure you could finance it, maintain it or you do not have enough available time to use it for more than 4 weeks a year, Bali Yachting World charter management is the best choice for you. Bali Yachting World Charter Management program is essentially our range of services that ensure our care of your yacht and its charter guests, making sure that your yacht reaches its maximum charter income potential and retains as much value as possible over the years. This program is designed to provide you with the easiest way to owning your own yacht by financing the yacht’s purchase, its maintenance and running costs out of charter income. Join our charter management program and carelessly enjoy your dreams coming true.
Why should I choose Croatia Yachting?
Croatia Yachting is an authorised Bali Catamarans dealer for Croatia and Slovenia and can therefore offer you special purchase conditions, high maintenance standards that will ensure the best resale value for your yacht and high-quality aftersales support with prompt processing of claims throughout warranty. In addition to that, Croatia Yachting is one of the strongest charter companies in Croatia, with an in-house charter/booking agency, that will enable you to cover all your ownership costs through charter income and arrange favourable financing through affiliate leasing companies. Our AA Creditworthiness Certificate is a confirmation of our financial stability that guarantees the security of your investment. With charter bases located on the Croatian coast, you are all set for spending your sailing vacations on one of the most beautiful coastlines in Europe.
We would like to stress the fact that a discount is not the most important factor when buying a yacht for charter. The most important fact is the purchase price/charter income ratio supported by a strong charter company which is able to achieve good booking results for your yacht. We, as the biggest charter company in the area, are able to provide booking results/charter income than cannot be matched by any other charter company or brand in Croatia.
Why should I choose Bali Catamarans?
Bali Catamarans bring a lot of new and innovative solutions that make life on the sea even more comfortable in comparison with catamarans from other brands. Open space without any bulkheads is a Bali Catamaran specialty while the forward cockpit, a characteristic of every Bali Catamaran, represents an ideal area for relaxing and sunbathing. The panoramic view and an unbeatable amount of fresh air in the saloon are the result of large windows that are fully retractable. This also makes the communication between the saloon and the forward cockpit on all Bali Catamarans really simple. Another thing that you and the charter guests will like is a high level of self sufficiency with large fresh water and fuel tanks, and yet unseen sizes of refrigerators that are installed on Bali Catamarans. Besides that, Bali Catamarans offer a great variety when it comes to cabin layouts and you will surely find an option that suits you and the charter guest best and with that guarantee good booking results.
How to finance the purchase?
In the Bali Yachting World ownership model the purchase of the yacht can be financed in different ways: savings, loan or leasing. Still, the most suitable and common way of yacht purchase is leasing. The purchase is financed with a deposit that is usually between 35% and 50% of the purchase price while the minimal deposit required by leasing companies is 30% of the purchase price. The rest is paid in monthly or quarterly annuities. We will provide the most convenient sources of funding through our cooperation with leasing companies known for their lasting professional experience in yacht financing. You are free to take care of the financing in your own arrangement if you wish to do so. With the Bali Yachting World Ownership model the investor’s charter income should cover the monthly leasing or loan annuities along with all the other costs.
In the Bali Yachting World Partnership model the investor needs to finance 55% - 60% of the yachts purchase price (depending on the yacht model) while the charter company pays the rest. The investors share cannot be financed with a lease as the investor does not become an owner until the end of the 5 and a half year period. After 5 and a half years in the program the purchase of the yacht is fully financed and the investor becomes the sole owner of the yacht.
Do I have to sign a long term contract?
In the Bali Yachting World Ownership model, the contract is signed on a yearly basis for one year. You can back out of the contract at any time but you would have to reimburse the down payments of the charter clients for the periods that are booked for charter within the initial period covered by the contract.
In the Bali Yachting World Partnership model, the contract is signed for the period of 5 and a half years. After your initial investment, there are no further obligations for you arising from the contract. After the 5 and a half year period the contract expires and you become the sole owner of the yacht. If you wish to do so, you can start earning extra income with your yacht by entering our Bali Yachting World Ownership model.
How is the charter income shared?
Charter income is shared in proportion 65%-35% in favour of the investor.
Out of 65% of the charter income the investor finances:
- annual berth
- all-risk yacht insurance (Casco) including insurance against loss of charter income
- yacht maintenance
Out of 35% of the charter income the charter company finances:
- agency commission for sub-agents
- marketing and promotion for the yacht
- charter booking
- coordination, reception and support for the charter guests
In other words, we are paid for booking the yacht either directly or in cooperation with partner agencies and for taking care of charter guests. The remaining income goes to the yacht owner.
The charter income is not shared with the investor as the charter company takes care of all the running and maintenance costs.
Out of the charter income the charter company finances:
- annual berth
- all-risk yacht insurance (Casco) including insurance against loss of charter income
- yacht maintenance
- agency commission for sub-agents
- marketing and promotion for the yacht
- charter booking
- coordination, reception and support for the charter guests
What about yacht registration?
In the Bali Yachting World ownership model you can buy the yacht in your name or in the name of your company and register it accordingly. Still, only a company has the right to claim VAT reimbursement which significantly affects the final price of the yacht as well as the prices for yacht maintenance, berth and so on. This is why we suggest opening a company in Croatia or in other EU countries if you do not have one. The yacht has to be registered in the EU, meaning that it has to have an EU country flag and that includes Croatia. The process of founding a company in Croatia is rather simple and it costs about 3.500 EUR (26.000 HRK) of which 2.500 EUR is basic capital that can be used afterwards. We offer full support in the process of founding and running a company.
In the Bali Yachting World partnership model, the yacht is purchased and registered in the name of our charter company under a Croatian flag while you mortgage the yacht to secure your investment. After 5 and a half years, the ownership is transferred to you and you can register the yacht in your name.
When assuming ownership of the yacht you have to pay the 25% VAT on the yacht’s remaining value (market value or book value, as considered by the local tax authority, which is usually between 50% and 60% or the initial purchase price).
What about yacht Maintenance?
Sometimes the build year of the yacht is not that important – regardless of the yachts age, a properly maintained yacht is the only way to a satisfied charter guest and at the same time the key to a successful business process. Consequently, our professionally educated staff constantly supervises the condition of the yacht and its equipment. With regular services we act in advance in order to prevent any bigger malfunctions and to provide a safe and high quality vacation for charter guests. With continuous supervision and maintenance we ensure the longevity of your yacht and equipment as well as a higher price in charter and a higher market value when you decide to sell the yacht. The owner of the yacht has a permanent insight in maintenance processes and their cost – the yachts that we hold in our bases are the best evidence of the quality of service that we provide.
As an official Bali representative we guarantee high-quality aftersales support with prompt processing of claims throughout warranty and after the warranty has passed. In fact we will make all the warranty claims for you to ensure the yacht is always in top condition.
What if the yacht gets damaged?
All yachts in our charter fleet are covered with a full CASCO insurance policy. Damage repair costs are covered by the insurance policy or the charter client responsible for the damage. Repairs are done either by us as an official Hanse representative or a third party specialized service, depending on the nature of the necessary repairs.
How is the yacht insured?
The yacht is insured with a full CASCO insurance policy that covers all damage repairs and the loss of charter income from the first day of damage.
Is there insurance against loss of income?
The full CASCO insurance policy covers the loss of charter income from the first day of damage, for all weeks that were booked at the time of the damage and the vessel will not be able to preform them.
How do I get to use my yacht?
In the Bali Yachting World Ownership model you can use your yacht as much as you want but we recommend up to 4 weeks of usage per season, including 2 weeks in high season in order for the charter income to cover your financing, maintenance, berth and other expenses. You can also use your yacht whenever it is not booked for charter.
In the Bali Yachting World Partnership model you can use the yacht for up to 3 weeks including 1 week in high season.
When using the owners’ week the owner is supposed to cover only the costs of yacht preparation and local taxes without paying the charter fee. Just call and book the vacation on the yacht – we will take care of everything else.
What are my options at the end of the Bali Yachting World partnership contract?
- You can transfer to our Bali Yachting World ownership model and earn extra income with your yacht.
- You can sail away with your yacht.
- You can trade in your yacht for a new one.
- You can sell your yacht and perhaps finance a new yacht purchase with the help of Bali Yachting World partnership model.
If you decide to sell your yacht, we can help you with that through our yacht brokerage service.
In what condition is the yacht after the program and what is its market value?
In a very good and fully functional condition. Of course, the result of chartering is a higher level of wear of the yacht which can be taken care of with minimal investment and reconstruction. In any case, most of the charter yachts in our fleet are in better condition than many private yachts, due to the fact that they are constantly supervised and regularly maintained by professionals in our charter company.
In our experience, after 6 years in the Bali Yachting World Charter Management program the yacht’s market value is roughly 65% of its initial purchase value. This is also one of the advantages when choosing a Bali Catamaran, as there are not that many used Bali Catamarans for sale in any particular moment, as is the case with other established catamaran brands.
How much income and expenses can I expect in the Bali Yachting World ownership model?
Profit Projection Review – Bali Yachting World Ownership examples
BALI 4.5 | |
Purchase price(fully equipped yacht including charter pack, delivery…) |
483.000 EUR |
Annual charter income(Yacht owner) |
82.200 EUR |
Annual expenses(marina, insurance, registration, maintenance..) |
23.400 EUR |
Annual net profit(Yacht owner) |
58.800 EUR |
BALI 4.3 | |
Purchase price(fully equipped yacht including charter pack, delivery…) |
399.900 EUR |
Annual charter income(Yacht owner) |
68.600 EUR |
Annual expenses(marina, insurance, registration, maintenance..) |
22.700 EUR |
Annual net profit(Yacht owner) |
45.900 EUR |
The annual expenses do not include leasing or loan annuities as this is subject to change according to your financing plan and initial deposit.
Prices do not include VAT. Purchase price is subject to change depending on date of purchase and effective Bali catamarans pricelists. Quotes correct at the time of print. All of the above is for illustration purposes only. Finance – subject to status – Terms & conditions apply.